"I was looking for an upholstery company to assist me with 2 acoustic window panels in my bedroom. I live right across from a mini mall and industrial plant that get quite noisy between 8pm and 8am. This became quite stressful for me and sleeping became unbearable. My doctor was very concerned about my elevated blood pressure on my Wellness Exam vist (I'm 71 yrs old) and he discussed changing my prescription. I explained what I thought to be the culprit.
I brought in some materials and a pattern with dimensions to Slipcovers Plus and they made the panels for me. I mounted the panels and I'm sleeping like a baby. I've since been in to see my doctor and my pressure is back to normal ..60/108.. I was so pleased and told him what had transpired.
I cannot THANK YOU enough!
Maybe these panels will be an addition to you business."
- Lucy Bratanch